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Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Solutions (AMATS) is the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Anchorage Bowl and Chugiak-Eagle River areas. Every metropolitan area with a population of more than 50,000 residents must have a designated MPO in order to qualify for federal hi​​​ghway or transit assistance.


The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) requires the Municipality to have a Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), to be updated every four years. It must cover all modes of transportation: freeways, highways, streets and sidewalks, public transit, trails and freight mobility; and address congestion management and air quality standards. It must be based on land uses described in the current Comprehensive Plan.


Your input is essential to update the AMATS MTP to support and develop a transportation network that effectively moves people and goods, maintains residents' high quality of life and a strong economy, and reflects community priorities. Opportunities to participate will happen throughout the 3-year development of the 2050 MTP.

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The updated 2050 MTP is pending approval

The work AMATS has been conducting with your guidance over the past two years has come together into the updated 2050 MTP! The updated plan (January 2024) includes an assessment of our existing transportation system, defines what we want our transportation system to be like in the future, and makes recommendations for how to get us there. 

Click here to view the 2050 MTP and learn more on Public Input

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AMATS is the designated metropolitan planning organization (MPO) that oversees planning and programming of the Federal Highway Trust Funds dollars designated for the Municipality of Anchorage (MOA). The MTP is the primary tool AMATS uses to plan for transportation needs within the AMATS area and recommend solutions based on anticipated funding availability over a minimum 20-year horizon. The MTP needs to reflect adopted local plans with compatible recommendations and, since federal funding is involved, the MTP must comply with current federal regulations.



Evaluating Today's System


Examining the existing transportation network & community needs.


Public Input

Participating in the process is essential to a successful MTP update. Ensuring the 2050 MTP represents our community's goals and meets our needs.

Modeling & Analyzing Tomorrow's System

Exploring scenarios to see what issues and opportunities are in our future and how we can best meet our community's needs.

Building the Roadmap

Identifying projects, strategies and phasing recommendations  based on regulations, best practices, fiscal constraints, and community goals.

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